Wednesday, January 6, 2010

About me, Hannah Ruth

In this post, I will be telling a bit about myself, and what my everyday life is.

First of, my name is Hannah. I am fourteen years old and I am one of eight girls in my family (Yup, that’s what I said!).

I am number seven in that line. The ages of the sisters range from twenty-eight to eight years old. My four oldest my sisters are married and three out of the four live locally.

I have been home schooled by my mom my whole life, along with ALL of my sisters.

I live in my huge three story house with seven people: Pop-Pop & Granny (Mom’s parents), my three sisters (ages eighteen, seventeen, and eight), and of course, Mom & Dad.

My oldest sister and her husband have one girl and three boys. Ages seven, five, two and seven months.

My second oldest sister, Molly (she blogs over here), and her husband have one daughter.
We baby-sit her two days a week. She’s the cutest thing!

My dads mother (a.k.a. Gramma) lives five minutes down the road from us. She is Italian and the best cook EVER.

I was born and raised in a Christian home. God is a huge part of my life and you can find me at my church at least two times a week.

This is how a calm week goes for me:

Monday: this day is pretty calm.
Nothing much going on except for school

Tuesday: This day pretty calm too. School, of course.

Baby-sit my two year old niece the whole day. Every Tuesday night my Gramma fixes us a scrumptious dinner at her house. This week it was Thick chicken stew, with warm cornbread. For dessert it was Italian cookies dipped in coffee. Mmmm. (I have been drinking coffee since I was seven).

Wednesday: School.
Wednesday night Church.
Teen choir practice.

: School.
Baby-sit niece.

Friday: Fit in whatever school we can.
Grocery shopping with Mom.
Pizza night with whole family.
Oh, and just to let you know, buying pizza at my house is unheard of. Why buy pizza when you can make it.
Yup, every Friday night, my Gramma, mom, and oldest sister make the pizza. (It’s probably the best pizza in the world)

Saturday: It depends.

Sunday: Sunday school.
Big church, (I usually help with a children’s class).
Spaghetti dinner/lunch with my whole family. (When I say my, whole family, I usually mean, Mom, Dad, Granny, Pop-Pop, Gramma, the four youngest sisters, My oldest sister with her Husband and four kids, and whatever other sisters could make it that day:).Then Sunday night church.

As you can see, my life is busy, exciting and anything but average.

I love it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Post.

Welcome to my blog.

You're going to have to bear with me, this is still very new to me although I can't say that this is my first blog...

or my second blog.

My previous blogs were flops. I started them , got all pumped up and excited about writing in them, spent hours working on the layout of the blog too, but in the end I never really got around to writing in them.

I was really lacking motivation. Right now I'm all pumped up about Hannah Banana, and I'm praying that I stay pumped up about it.

After all, this is a new year.